Registrations for the 2024-25 season are open!
From 2023, the Junior and Senior committees have unified under a single banner - Karori Cricket Club (KCC). Through generous financial support, the club has appointed our first ever CEO to ensure we go from strength to strength. The CEO is supported by a Board - a dedicated group of volunteers who freely give of their time, skills and experiences.
Our CEO and Board are responsible for setting the strategy of the club in line with Cricket Wellington, NZ Cricket and NZ Sport requirements, managing the day-to-day faciliation of the club to support player and coach development, and providing opportunities for our wider community to play or participate in cricket and other activities.
Board members and volunteers spend up to 2 hours per month on club related activities. Our vacant roles are highlighted in yellow text below.
Board Chair
Responsible for coordination and administration of the Board. Sets annual agenda, helps to prioritise goals and keeps the board on track. Effectively facilitates meetings. Represents the club to Cricket Wellington. Ensures planning and budgeting for the future is carried out according to clubs intentions.
Conduit between members, players, management and clubs. Prepares the agenda and schedules committee meetings in consultation with the Board Chair. Takes and distributes minutes promptly. Collates the AGM. Maintains player registrations and relevant legal documentation. Acts as public officer - liasing with members of the public when needed.
Chief financial management officer for the club. Prepares budget and monitors carefully. Undertakes accounts payable and receivable, keeping financial records maintained and up to date. Prepares Treasurer report / statement of position for each committee meeting. Maintains evidence of any payments received or made. Prepares information for annual audit.
Women and Girl's Convenor
Develops KCC's Women and Girls Cricket Strategy in coordination with Cricket Wellington. Implements strategy with support from KCC Committee Members. Actively works to champion, promote and grow Women and Girl's Cricket and participates in working groups with other clubs and Cricket Wellington. Identifies funding opportunities to support and enable realisation of strategy working with Funding and Sponsorship. Reports on progress and issues. Convenes girls team(s).
Facilities, Equipment and Apparel (Junior and Senior)
Coordinates team / club equipment, access to Nets and Clubrooms and branded apparel. Maintains an inventory and distributes and collects team bags annually. Reviews the suitability of the euipment and its safety regularly. Works with Funding and Sponsorship to apply for grant funding to replinish equipment and works with suppliers to arrange. Point of contact for Clubrooms and Nets.
Funding and Sponsorship
Applies for grants , manages KCC Paid Sponsorship which includes promoting sponsorship opportunities, liaising with sponsors and organises fundraising events such as Quiz Night and annual raffle. Works with other members to secure funding necessary to support the club and strategy. Works with Communications and Social Media to promote sponsors.
Manages coordination of and distribution of messaging to members and public. Promotes the club, including sponsors, through website and social media channels. Manages website content and Social Media accounts (Facebook and Instagram).
Junior Convenor
Oversees and works with all soft ball grade coaches and management as central point of contact. Works with hard ball Convenors and Development Officers to solve common issues and player progression to hard ball. Organises teams at the start of the season. Supports coach induction and day-to-day issues (ground location etc). Reports on progress and issues to the Board including any opportunities. Supports Have-A-Go Coach.
Hard Ball Convenor Y5/Y6
Hard Ball Convenor Y7/Y8
Oversees and works with coaches and management for their respective grades as central point of contact. Works with Soft Ball Convenor to solve common issues and player progression from soft ball. Organises teams at the start of the season. Supports coach induction and day-to-day issues (ground location etc). Reports on progress and issues to the Board including any opportunities. Y7/Y8 Convenor supports player progress to College Cricket and Youth space.
Youth Convenor
Oversees and works with all youth coaches and management as central point of contact. Works with hard ball Convenors to solve common issues and player progression to the youth space. Organises teams at the start of the season. Supports coach induction and day-to-day issues (ground location etc). Reports on progress and issues to the Board including any opportunities.
Health and Safety
Oversees and implements KCC's Health and Safety Policy. Manages risks and hazards, promotes player safety and welfare. Works with Facilities, Equipment and Apparel to make sure equipment is fit for purpose and safe. Works with Funding and Sponsorship on safefy iniatives. Contact person for Vulnerable Children's Act.